Slogan: Let’s Break Bread, a Ministry of Fellowship
Vision: To enhance fellowship amongst Calvary Members and all who visit the church through the breaking of bread.
Mission: To provide food and drinks at every activity/program/service at the church premises as a means of fostering togetherness and brotherly love.
The Let’s Break Bread (LBB) Ministry is firmly rooted in Acts 2:46-47, which is an example of how the breaking of bread amongst believers can foster togetherness in praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
This ministry is established to enhance our church life by advocating consistent fellowship, encouraging brotherly love and bringing all people of God together with glad and sincere hearts.
This ministry seeks to provide food and drinks during every church program/activity as a means of refreshing the body and soul and to offer an environment where members and visitors can share ideas on how we can grow as a church and win more souls for Christ. It offers a time and space to engage with someone on a personal level to know and understand their story with the aim of encouraging one another.
We encourage you to take advantage of this ministry and donate to keep the ministry going. God bless you for partaking in this ministry